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Language Tools

Text inputted to grammar, spelling, and style checkers, as well as translation services, can contain sensitive information which may be stored on their servers for an indefinite amount of time. The language tools listed on this page do not send your submitted text to a server, and can be self-hosted and used offline for maximum control of your data.


LanguageTool logo LanguageTool logo

LanguageTool is a multilingual grammar, style and spell checker that supports more than 20 languages. The software is self-hostable, and the extensions do not send your input text to their server.

LanguageTool offers integration with a variety of office suites and email clients.


Downloads "Descargas"


Por favor, ten en cuenta que no estamos afiliados con ninguno de los proyectos que recomendamos. Además de nuestros criterios estándar, hemos desarrollado un conjunto claro de requisitos que nos permiten ofrecer recomendaciones objetivas. Sugerimos que te familiarices con esta lista, antes de decidir utilizar un proyecto y realizar tu propia investigación para asegurarte de que es la elección ideal para ti.

  • Debe ser de código abierto.
  • Must be possible to self-host.

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You're viewing the Spanish copy of Privacy Guides, translated by our fantastic language team on Crowdin. If you notice an error, or see any untranslated sections on this page, please consider helping out!